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Old 11-04-2013, 01:39 PM
John Carr
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Originally Posted by 80ktsClamp View Post
I hate to get into this, but he's got a point. Long term guys likely have some issues. It can be a decent mid-career stopping point beyond a regional or after military if the good jobs aren't hiring-
Yet his statement was pretty ignorant and painting with a broad brush. It could have applied a while ago, but not now. Just like OTHER places that wouldn't be considered many people's "first pick" historically but in a post 9/11 environment became much more desirable.

Also, a "long term" guy could have very well been the SAME guys that stayed at other places that WEREN'T a legacy or the highest paying LCC. The pay ended up being good (enough), the QOL was workable, they have a spouse that has a decent income, they can supplement their income with a mil retirement check and/or run a business on the side, whatever. Careful making such judgments of people.

Originally Posted by 80ktsClamp View Post
they (Kalitta in particular- Atlas seems like it's a pretty decent carrier) also hire plenty of damaged goods (even guys that get fired from the regionals) that aren't going anywhere, though.
Not sure on K4, but I wouldn't say that about Atlas. Since around late 2010 they hire about 25-35% on average of the people that make it though the multi-phase process. And just like a legacy, those backgrounds can be VERY comprehensive, as well as made up of some very experienced guys that aren't these "damaged goods" you speak of. And just like a legacy, they hire from a broad range of backgrounds. It's been demonstrated, NOBODY seems to have a monopoly or a leg up on what their "perfect candidate" is.

And I'm sure SOMEBODY will make a sarcastic joke, but there's more than one former AF1 pilot at Atlas. But I'm sure those guys have "issues" (sarcasm).

Last edited by John Carr; 11-04-2013 at 01:50 PM.
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