Thread: Delta MEC Maneuvering, aka coup

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tsquare , 11-08-2013 01:14 PM
No longer cares
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Quote: Timbo-
You've put your finger on the biggest issue in this whole mess.
Line pilots are completely out of the loop. We have no idea of the reasons our Master Chairman was voted out and that is absolutely an appalling state of affairs.
All this political maneuvering needs to be brought out into the open and put in some context so the members can know what is going on with our union.

I don't have a problem with anybody's election or anybody's recall, but I'd like to know the reasons. I think we deserve to know. We're paying tons of money for these guys to play these games.

And in one month we are going to elect another Chairman. Again, with the line pilots having no idea who is even running or being considered or what the issues are that separate the candidates, etc. etc. It is completely baffling for an organization that likes to stress how "democratic" they are and open to member input.

The vast majority of members don't GAS. Only the 25 or so of us on here are concerned with this, and I am not sure that I really care all that much. Not because I don't think it important, but because I would rather spen time sparring with some of you guys than reading reams of paper to find out about something over which I have zero control...