Thread: Frustrated
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Old 12-06-2013, 01:59 PM
Joined APC: Nov 2013
Posts: 962

Ok, this may come out as a newbie rambling, but I
Have 3 years experience so hear me out. Today
I was practicing with my whiteboard for CFI training, and
My mom interrupts me. In a light hearted way she
Says, "You are not good at teaching" Although mad, my
Mom has a point. She graduated college as a teacher,
She knows im not a people person and im shy. The thing
That frustrates me about Aviation as a career, is that you
Have to CFI to advance
. Most any other career you
Don't teach as entry level, but you do it after years
Of life experience. A truck driver dose not teach for
His first job, he goes OTR. Why are there not more
Entry level jobs for a pilot? If you ask me, 135 cargo should
Be entry level
. This career is frustrating as it is now, with the
1500 hour rule.

To the first bolded statement, that could not be farther from the truth. To the second bolded statement, flying 135 has challenges that far exceed an entry level position. I am going to go get my popcorn ready now.
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