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Old 04-22-2007, 03:56 AM
Cubdriver's Avatar
Joined APC: May 2006
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Set your heading to be into the prevailing winds. Use local smoke or water patterns to help decide what the winds are. If there is a crosswind, the plane will follow it more and more as the airspeed drops and you will have trouble holding heading, especially if you use 100% power. Some DE's do not require 100% power, I think 60% is what many of them prefer because it brings on the stall sooner and makes the drill easier and the break weaker. You could try doing the stalls on a very quiet day and see if that helps with the problem. Coordinate carefully glancing between the DG and the ball quickly, correct quickly when one deviates.

Also do not forget the clearing turns, it's an instant fail with many DE's not to do them. They will usually pardon forgetting to do one or two, but you should show that you care about it before doing any non-selfclearing manuever, especially when beginning your manuevers. If you say, "I would do a clearing turn before beginning this maneuver" and the DE does not respond with anything like, "that's allright just go ahead and do the manuever" then do the clearing turn even if it seems repetitive.

Last edited by Cubdriver; 04-22-2007 at 04:08 AM.
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