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Old 01-25-2014, 03:11 PM
Joined APC: Jun 2008
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Originally Posted by LittleBoyBlew View Post
Guys why do WE feed this TROLL? He obviously comes to these boards to seek attention by intervening in matters he knows nothing of. This guy is a flowthru from AE whom accepted and lived under a 16 year ALPA contract. He chose to remain at AE while most of his peers moved on to better careers. He most probably interviewed at USA but could not get hired. ( hint at why). Just read his ramblings. This individual manifests himself by indulging in fantasy. He trully is a troll. I suggest we discontinue stroking his ego by giving him that which he desperately seeks. Acceptance. Deep in his soul he probably questions if he trully is worthy. His continued attack on USAPA , and the US east pilots, obviously has an ulterior motive.
Then don't feed me, if that's what you think I am. In actuality, for all its flaws, the 16-year agreement at AE turned out to be among the better regional contracts out there, but gradually was watered down in each amendment round. I know it provided me with $125,000 per year income without killing myself in those last several years and I know other pilots who flowed that made as much as $172,000 a year (an extreme, though). Perhaps that's why many didn't leave (and still don't want to) ?

As for the rest of your drivel, it's nothing but trolling yourself. In fact, of all the likely East pilots who post here, you have offered virtually nothing of substance in your entire existence. At least for lay and others, they have SOMETHING to say, feel passionately about it and although I disagree with much of it, at least I can credit them with relevance. You on the other hand are the biggest junkie to irrelevant "anti-RJ pilot" and "anti-flow-thru" rhetoric in existence on this forum. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the future of mainline pilots will comprise at least half and probably more of other toothless losers that progress to mainline aircraft in the exact same fashion. AAG had 23 years of my background and abilities in detail and knew exactly what they were getting and what I was capable of.

Thankfully, I don't need your validation to guage my self worth or my worth to my employer. But knock yourself's your headache.

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