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Old 03-03-2014, 09:27 AM
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Feb 2009
Position: emb-145 ca
Posts: 212

The problem is less the low pay than the structure in which the low pay is entrenched. The ruse has failed.

Low pay did not stop the regional model for the last 15 years.

Why? Mostly because those in the system already were dumb victims (myself included) who have sunk costs and are already in the middle of the problem, so it is less effort to get into the mess if you're already there, if you've already fallen for the lies. Some have left along the way, but the majority of pilots who started flying with professional intentions prior to 9/11 or age the 65 change are still flying somewhere, many STILL at the regionals, after 5, 10 or 15 years.

So why the failure of new pilots to show up?

Because the ruse is just not fooling them any more.

The only job anyone truly wants is at the majors, and word has gotten out that that is not where YOUR job as a new or fairly new pilot will be, for long enough to discourage you. And new guys look at the backlog of the idiots STILL trying to get that good job after years and years of trying or waiting, and guess what? They get the message that that job is simply not there, and so why bother... why should they become the backfill fodder for an industry where the good job will be out of reach for so long that it may as well be permanent? MLK wrote during the civil rights fight that "justice too long delayed is justice denied." So is a decent flying career. Delay it long enough, and it never really happens does it?

From ExpressJet manager of pilot recruiting speaking to college students:

“This will be a great boost for you and the airline industry,” Robertson told Henderson aviation students and others present for the announcement. “What we’re going to do is come back and give you a guaranteed interview with ExpressJet.”

Robertson said all airlines are currently experiencing a pilot shortage which will only worsen. “Let me assure you that a pilot shortage is here,” he said. “There’s not a regional airline in America that can fill their new-hire classes, including us. This will benefit you.”

Robertson said ExpressJet will provide assistance for the flight students. “We’ll do anything we can to help you get on with a regional airline, plus help you get on with a major airline,” he said. “That’s our major goal.”

That's their goal? Good grief, they don't know when it's over, this guy thinks it's 1998 out there. How will making $30K-40K for who knows how long while you wait for a major to call benefit you?

They better think of something else soon.

Last edited by CaptainNameless; 03-03-2014 at 09:58 AM.
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