Thread: Republic Questions

CBreezy , 03-31-2014 05:54 PM
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Quote: It took you significantly longer to post this than it would've to simply answer his question.

If everyone read every single post about every single regional airline not only would it take days, he would never find a good place to work because everyone complains about every single one of them. Which is of course, a fair analysis, don't get me wrong.

Quit being judgmental.

That's the whole point of, what we call, "making your own decisions." Part of growing up and being an adult is taking lots of information and thinking critically to come up with the best solution to fit your own parameters. When someone comes on and asks a question like, "what bases do you have," or "what regional should I choose," it's frustrating. It shows that you've done very little to help yourself so why should I want to take time out of my day to help you?

Also, it would take "days?" BOO HOO! This is only the beginning of the rest of your life we are talking about. It should take weeks or months to get enough information about perspective employers to make an informed decision. Complaining about it taking days is the reason why we are all in this mess to begin with. If people felt a little less entitled to things, perhaps there wouldn't have been a race to the bottom. And yes, there are a lot of people who complain but there are also a lot of people who would vote 'yes' for concessions or say great things about every single regional. Quit pandering.