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Old 04-06-2014, 03:41 PM
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Originally Posted by USMCFLYR View Post
I'm glad you say honestly for advice because that part of "really, really" want to fly a jet says that you have SJS and would bypass solid advice if it didn't fit a preconceived idea you had already formulated because you've been dreaming about that jet for a long time it sounds - - 5000 TT!?

Ever heard the saying 'putting the cart in front of the horse'
You need P121 time (you're going to get it). You need turbine time (you're going to get it). If you do upgrade sooner on the Bro than the CRJ then you'll get your P121 TPIC time (golden I hear on this forum), round it out with a little*jet* time down the road if required and then you can start worrying about the majors.

You are about to make a decision based on flying jet right out of the gate that many experienced pilots on this site say make the airline lifestyle almost unbearable. Really ask yourself WHY.
So you make some really good points, which is exactly why I posted here

Yes, I do have SJS. When the interviewer asked me "What's your biggest weakness as a pilot?" I replied 'I have a really bad case of Shiny Jet Syndrome," which got a big laugh

Anyhow -- I do appreciate the advice. Sounds like the Bro is the smarter choice for a number of reasons.

Although I know the Skywest route network for the Bro, and I've literally flown to all of their airports (except SFO and LAX) countless times. I could rattle off the preferred IFR routings to ACV, CEC, MFR, LMT, CIC, SBP, PSP, PDX, and SEA without looking at a chart. Kinda seems odd to fly all the same routes I know so well. (I've done a lot of Part 91 corporate multi-engine piston flying all up and down the West Coast.) I was kinda hoping for more diverse experience, geographically speaking.

But still, the unanimous response here makes me think that the Bro is the better choice, to avoid the commute...
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