Thread: Alpa Fdx
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Old 05-09-2007, 01:39 PM
Flying Boxes
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Default Principles? what about all retiree's!

If FDX Alpa wants to advocate retroacitve rights....then shouldn't they also fight for right of return for retired guys?! It's just luck that an over 60 guy here has a FE job! What about all those AA, Delta, NW, UAL,.... guys that "paid dues" all those years and "fought for contracts" that current pilots benifit from! The only difference with them is they don't have 3 person cockpits! It was the SAME LAW that put them on the street! The "Principle" applies, they LOST there Seniority number because of the SAME LAW!

How would this go over with other MEC's?
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