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Old 05-18-2014, 09:24 AM
Gets Weekends Off
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Originally Posted by flyallnite View Post
More money, more time off. Isn't that what we all have asked for?

When you were hired at Delta, was there a space on the application that said "Bankers Hours Only"? Is getting paid more for a day of your time an improvement?

I flew CDO's a long time ago a a regional. They sucked. But what sucked the most was the penalty lap we had to do when we got back to the hub. The CDO itself wasn't nearly as bad as flying 2 man back from HNL, or a 5 leg MD88 trip with an 8 hour layover and a 13 hour duty day with a 5 AM east coast pick up. Or the 727 all nighters I did on reserve, west coast to Reno, then on to the east coast. Made for a long, long night.

People complain about a lot of things in this job, but if you don't think slamming your body through time zones is part of the gig, then you're deluding yourself.

I would wager a jelly donut that nobody who doesn't want to fly a CDO will have to. The people who do, will do so legally, because the FAR's permit it. If they are fatigued, then they are obliged not to sign the release. It's really that simple. 6 hours at a hotel? That's more sleep than I usually get on most of our early get up layovers anyhow. And only 2 legs, each less than 2 hours... and more likely much less, like 45 minutes? That sounds like a cake walk to me. Make it pay well and I'm all for it.

Airport ready reserve? Yes please. Shuttle standby was an incredible gig that paid very, very well. Are you a commuter? Then don't bid reserve. When has commuting to reserve ever been a good idea, at any airline? Too junior to hold a line? Then downbid, or wait a few months until you can, the movement is there now. Don't bid up then complain about your "juniority problem" that you created for yourself.

Still waiting for the details, but more money, more time off sounds pretty good to me...
With regards to the bankers hours, it is apples and oranges comparing CDO's to something like a redeye or international flying.

There is no operational necessity for CDO's. It is simply a tool of convenience for the company to circumnavigate the 10 hour minimum rest and reduce costs/complexity/whatever other benefit they see. The schedule can be adequately flown without them, just as it is right now, and has been for some years. And I am definitely getting the impression here that it is about the money.... Regarding all your other examples: so because we do other types of fatigue-prone flying, that makes it ok to add yet another fatigue-prone operation thru CDO's?

I would wager a jelly donut that nobody who doesn't want to fly a CDO will have to
I'll take that bet. Past experience says you are wrong. I hope you are right.

If they are fatigued, then they are obliged not to sign the release. It's really that simple.
That's not what happens in real life and most everybody here and throughout the industry knows it. We had a poster here not long ago that posted about being "exhausted" after his deadhead leg (I believe due to a middle seat). He then turned right around and worked the 4 hour leg back to base. Not to mention the commuters that leave home at o-dark-thirty to commute to base then work until 0-dark-thirty that night. Or the people that state they "just couldn't get to sleep last night" and still work the flight. Or the guy that fell asleep on me during a frikken shuttle leg from Bos to Lga. Or....[insert any number of items we all have experienced here].. Your statement seems a bit too alltruistic.

And I'm not sure if your last bit was directed at me but I most certainly have not bid up and I don't commute. I have created no "juniority problem" for myself whatsoever.
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