Thread: College student with some questions

DanTheSasquatch , 06-03-2014 09:45 PM
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I disagree with those saying $30k is unreasonable. Depends on where you live. My local FBO rents the 172 for $98/hr and the 152 for $75/hr. The Seminole is a tad bit steeper at $235/hr wet. Instructor is $30/hr. If one worked hard and got everything by 250 hours at an average of $130/hr that would be $32.5k.

Obviously I am quite lucky to have such affordable rentals at my location, and not everybody will be so fortunate. Of course I think that, in order to be realistic, one would want to budget a few extra thousand dollars, because odds are not good that one would get their rating right at 250 hours. Plus checkrides are not cheap, nor are books.

EDIT: I assume $130 average because I'm just too freakin big for a 152. Could be cheaper (or more obtainable) if one flew the 152 for a large portion of their hours.

Another edit: I got my private at just shy of 80 hours. I had to change instructors several times, and due to money issues, I had to frequently stop flying for extended periods (took me 4 years!). I would say my first 30-40 hours I learned almost nothing. Just enough to solo and plan a simple xc flight. My last 20 hours I finally had to money to really buckle down and go at it, and I learned almost everything in that last 20 hours. Moral of the story - save up and fly frequently, you will save a ton of time and money that way when compared to flying only "when you can afford it."