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Old 06-04-2014, 08:10 AM
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Originally Posted by DanTheSasquatch View Post
I disagree with those saying $30k is unreasonable. Depends on where you live. My local FBO rents the 172 for $98/hr and the 152 for $75/hr. The Seminole is a tad bit steeper at $235/hr wet. Instructor is $30/hr. If one worked hard and got everything by 250 hours at an average of $130/hr that would be $32.5k.

Obviously I am quite lucky to have such affordable rentals at my location, and not everybody will be so fortunate. Of course I think that, in order to be realistic, one would want to budget a few extra thousand dollars, because odds are not good that one would get their rating right at 250 hours. Plus checkrides are not cheap, nor are books.

EDIT: I assume $130 average because I'm just too freakin big for a 152. Could be cheaper (or more obtainable) if one flew the 152 for a large portion of their hours.

Another edit: I got my private at just shy of 80 hours. I had to change instructors several times, and due to money issues, I had to frequently stop flying for extended periods (took me 4 years!). I would say my first 30-40 hours I learned almost nothing. Just enough to solo and plan a simple xc flight. My last 20 hours I finally had to money to really buckle down and go at it, and I learned almost everything in that last 20 hours. Moral of the story - save up and fly frequently, you will save a ton of time and money that way when compared to flying only "when you can afford it."
Ahh, so all one has to do is move there, get an apartment, job, etc?
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