Thread: Fights on!

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Adlerdriver , 06-19-2014 06:01 PM
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Quote: Dude, that's hilarious! I really miss the back and forth of Eagle and Viper guys, and OF COURSE I'm stirring the pot, that's what we do!
Nothing better (except doing the job of course). I do remember a momentary hiatus to the Eagle/Viper rivalry while flying out of Incirlik during the first Gulf War with the TJ F-16s. For about 45 glorious days we (they) rained destruction on the Iraqis, we killed a few MiGs and all was right in the USAF.

Quote: But, seriously? Why would ANYONE want to fly some huge Pterydactyl that only does one mission?
One mission? Dude, have you seen an Eagle mission planning session during Red Flag. One INS point - a time to be there and oh... BTW we'll be in a couple of 4-ship walls for the push. Our reset caps are here and here. Tell us when the last guy is on his way home. Questions? The only reason I didn't make it to the 25 club and the Mirage sooner every night was your guy's coordination sessions (DMPIs? WTH are those? Holy crap, their INS coordinates go to 3 decimals).

Most everyone was dead by the time they could see us anyway, so the Pterydactyl thing really wasn't a big problem . Also, you gotta think long term for addition Pterydactyl benefits. At the 20 year point in the Guard, staying visual was wayyyy easier in the Eagle. I usually avoided anything longer than a 6K BFM setup with a Viper 'cuz you guys were so tiny. Had to call a Fox-2 at the "turn in, fight's on" during high aspect so the little guy would flare and I could get a tally again.
