Thread: Iraq
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Old 06-22-2014, 04:32 PM
Sum Ting Wong
Joined APC: Sep 2013
Posts: 248

"The second the US soldiers left the stage was set for a civil war conflict"

Obama wanted out. He announced his desire and his time line.

Intransigence from Maliki is simply cover for Obama. He can, like the coward he is, lay off the blame for the disastrous sequelae of his choices on others.

Iraq was a much better place at the end of Bush's tenure. It's a disaster now.

I wonder how many Americans like it that thousands of soldiers are dead and wounded for NOTHING?

If Dear President was more of a leader than a poser, he would have found a way to forge a Status of Forces agreement.

I'm sick to death of how so many poo-poo Bush's efforts to get a multi-national buy-in for his actions...but when our President flips off other countries because he's not "interested"..(read "Ukraine", "Iraq")...then that's just peachy. Never mind that Obama isn't a war-monger, he can't even keep the peace when it's handed to him...
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