Thread: Mesa

sulkair , 07-03-2014 09:24 AM
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To me this whole issue is kind of like when your girlfriend starts flirting with another dude and you proceed to summarily kick his @$$. Completely ignoring the fact that she enticed him.

Obviously this is a crushing blow to AE guys, to see their flying farmed out to the lowest bidder. The easy target for their warranted anger, is the Mesa pilot. But that anger is misplaced.

It could be argued that the regular line pilot should know better and refuse to play. But how do you do that when you're several years into a list at a company? Bottom line, you fly what and where they tell you to.

AE anger should be directed at their leaders, their parent company, ALPA, and the industry as a whole. i.e. the girl friend. But that isn't the easy thing to do, and I understand that. It takes clear thought and logic to follow the blame trail to it's true and proper place, and emotion is nearly always in conflict with logic.