Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

gzsg , 07-07-2014 03:03 PM
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Quote: I mostly agree except for the bold part.

I've said probably a dozen times on here that profit sharing is a scam to make you feel "like part of the organization". Give me dollars that can't be manipulated by the accountants, either in direct compensation or work rules. For the life of me, I don't know how we ever got on this profit sharing bandwagon?


Careful what you wish for. If we get 11% of W-2 in profit sharing and then end profit sharing and get an 11% pay increase, we net ZERO!

My point is why should we give up anything?

Management and their lemmings are coming for our profit sharing. They will use it to fund pathetic hourly increases and declare victory again.

I'm with you, if we can get a 40% hourly increase date of signing, profit sharing can go. Does anyone think that will happen?