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Old 07-18-2014, 07:22 PM
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Joined APC: Jul 2007
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Originally Posted by Herkflyr View Post
Will you acknowledge that we already have restored and even improved upon many, many work rules? In fact our work rules now are far better than they were in C2K. (Unless that is you liked the era where reserves could fly a 2-day trip that paid as little as 4 hours for a trip that paid a regular pilot 10.30, and you liked it that the company and not the pilot, scheduled your CQ sims, and where every vacation started on Sunday, because by golly that's how we always did it. I could go on but you get the idea).
If you want to be intellectually honest you'll also mention everything that was given up by the pilot group before bankruptcy and during bankruptcy, as well as the work rules that were sacrificed and will never be regained. If you want to present a honest and complete picture that is. Or just mention a rule that was good that is now gone for each positive one you mention. Just listing one-sided points is disingenuous for the argument you're making.
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