Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

LeineLodge , 07-22-2014 06:16 AM
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Quote: OK 737 drivers I need some info...... What headsets are popular with the Delta guppy crowd?
Telex 850 served me well for the year I was on it. Lightweight, no batteries, and relatively inexpensive. There were 2 or 3 ship numbers that produced some sort of squealing feedback when transmitting, but I worked around that by wearing the headset and then using the handmic to transmit <---pretty rare occurrence given the size of the fleet.

It is by far the loudest flight deck I've worked. The unfortunate part is most crews don't talk via the intercom, which involves a rubber band, so you will inevitably end up pulling the inboard earcup off, resulting in pre-mature, asymmetrical deafness. So for me it wasn't really worth buying an expensive headset to only use 50% of its capability.