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Old 07-22-2014, 01:13 PM
No longer cares
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Originally Posted by DAL 88 Driver View Post
I'm confused, T. You write something like the above and it makes it sound like you'd be all for restoration of our pay. Yet, in effect, you constantly argue against it. You say you want more, but are apparently unwilling to advocate that our representation set an objective that would be highly controversial with our management. Restoring our pay is going to take some very aggressive, significant improvement. That's just a mathematical fact. And I can guarantee you our management will fight extremely hard against anything of the sort. They feel like they slayed that dragon a long time ago... and given DALPA's actions and tone over the past decade have every reason to believe it's put to bed for good.

How do you justify at least implying that you think something like restoration is the right objective yet you argue against the "reasonableness" of doing what it takes to achieve it? Maybe I've been misreading you all this time. Can you clear it up for me?
Nope. I want more money. I have been clear about that. I want health care. I don't give a damn about RJs. And I don't give a damn about feel good mission statements and goal statements. It's too early for that. It's meaningless except to placate you and Jerry. Get the troops fired up now, and they'll burn out. Guaranteed.

"Restoration" will not happen in one fell swoop. It's ridiculous to believe that it will. You want 34% or something like that. It would be great, but it is not remotely reasonable (standing by for the expectations management crap). It is reality. We are not going to get a contract that will deliver that kind of pay increase before somebody else closes the gap. It is not only bad business (for Delta) it is stupid. And then there's TVM. PD wants to wait. He ignores the magic of compounding. He will throw you and me under the bus. (and himself also, but he can't do math, so he doesn't realize it) You are a smart guy when it comes to investing, and it totally surprises me that you seem willing to discount it also, but apparently the victory of punching management is more valuable to you. Reasonableness is what will get us our money. How to define that is the crux of the problem. But a 34% pay increase on day is not "reasonable" by any rational definition, I do not care how much the company is making. And you know that I am right on that.

Fire away.
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