Thread: Skywest

Nevets , 07-23-2014 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Nevets

Not to mention the immoral and unethical whipsaw business model that JA perpetuates just so he doesn't have to compensate them as well in order to make a little more money. Yeah, that's a company to be proud of.

Good Grief. How clueless can you possibly be??? The entire regional industry is based on whipsaw as it's fundamental premise...otherwise it wouldn't exist. There's no possible way to win the game, the only way to get out from under it is to GTFO. Not major airline material? Then I'd suggest truck driving school before a regional career...

Go to Vegas much? Bet against the house? How's that worked out for you...
And where did I say that regionals are not whipsawed against each other? Not only are we whipsawed against other regional airline companies, our own CEO has devised a way to whipsaw us a second time by pitting his own employees against each other. Not even mainline has stooped that low, at least not in recent decades. He took an immoral whipsaw business model from mainline management and is using it again within his own holding company. Double immoral!