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Old 05-24-2007, 02:16 PM
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Jun 2006
Position: Part 121, 135 & Military background
Posts: 379

Originally Posted by BoilerUP View Post
No, it doesn't.

If your career progression to a high-paying job (like major airline captain) is delayed 5 years, time/value of money dictates that you'll NEVER make up the wealth you lost during that delay, even with 5 more years at your top earning potential.After this finally becomes law, your upgrade at RAH (and all of ours at our respective companies) is likely to stagnate as attrition at the legacies (the primary reason for recalls and hiring) and growth at the regionals all but stops. Current regional CAs will have much fewer options for progression and the competition for those few available jobs will be fierce. Sure along the way folks will retire early, quit aviation, medical out, pass away, etc...but attrition at the bottom will crawl following the attrition at the top. In the meantime, folks will be flying 50/70/90 seat RJs from the right seat for 1,2,3,4, maybe 5 additional years at (self-induced) slave wages gaining a whole lot of no PIC time. Hope folks are happy where they are now and that this is considered during the current round of negotiations...the idea of "get my 1000 TPIC and get the hell out" is gonna go *poof*.

This will cause me (and you) to lose career earnings, just so older pilots can increase theirs. Is that "fair"?
your math is fuzzy... how does five years at "middle of the pack" pay get to be worth than 5 years of the highest payrate you'll ever see?

This is not an original thought, but as someone else posted on here, everyone calm down. There are some 60 guys who wish to retire, there are some who will lose medical ability, there are some that will only go for an extra year or two to get a kid out of college, or that last boat payment. Not every swingin richard is going to stay.

Let's not forget "fair" is always a 2 way street. Is it fair that the goverement forces you to retire at 60 but you can't get your retirement payment until 65? Yes, it will slow things down a bit, but not a huge amount.

Boiler, I could be wrong, you might be a former C-5 Air Mission Commander with 20,000 hours and a PHD in astrophysics, but my guess it your are 20 something, got hired at an airline when you still didn't even have a comma in your logbook. The sense of entitlement that a lot of younger pilots have doesn't set well with the crowd that has been doing this a long, long time.

Food for thought.

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