Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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hoserpilot , 08-19-2014 06:10 AM
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Fwiw I do agree with you. I'd love for our union to say what you've preached for years. It just gets old seeing people on here belittle one another. I still can't believe the immature writing I see from our fellow pilots written in the bathroom stalls in Atlanta. I thought I hired on at the big D with a bunch of professionals who were above that childish behavior. I guess when we can act like professionals we just might get paid like them again. Instead we fight amongst ourselves.

Dear Dalpa,

Please just says this. "The pilots at Delta have waited long enough. It's time to restore what was taken from us in bankruptcy. Delta is enormously profitable, in part due to the sacrifices we made. It's beyond time that we get a return on that investment. Our pledge to you, the Delta pilot, is to obtain a contract that returns our compensation, plus inflation, to its rightful place. A cadillac every month."

(I'll take a Porsche every two months)

Ps. It's called a moose knuckle and that was from one big moose!!

Quote: Hoser,

I understand what you're saying. I just don't really agree with your conclusions about the discussion we've had on this topic. Those quotes, taken at face value, could have pretty serious ramifications for our next contract. We need to be setting expectations for significant restoration, not lowering expectations.

Whether it's our own pilots, management, the NMB, Wall Street, etc.... we need to be setting expectations that bankruptcy was NOT a reset and that we will not ultimately accept a dramatically lower value for compensation for this profession. Without some serious rationalization, Moak's quotes clearly lower expectations. As far as I'm concerned, it's a pretty serious issue. And like I said before... the thing that makes it even more serious in my mind is that my reps actually AGREE with those quotes and see nothing wrong with them.

I understand why you'd like everything to be happy, happy with conversations about rumors, college football, hangar talk, maybe a risque picture or two, etc. I'd like that too. But this IS the "Airline Pilot Central" forum... and I think conversations about trying to dig out of this gigantic hole in which we find ourselves today are relevant, don't you?