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Old 08-24-2014, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Bzzt View Post
John, I don't have any ill feelings toward you. I am disappointed that the MEC made an error in judgement when they refused to sell the agreement to the pilot group as a whole. I am disappointed that you defend that decision both on and off the internet. The bottom line is that the people who were in a position of decision making within our union were all short timers at Envoy. Those remaining at Envoy will have to deal with the consequences of your "stand for the industry", not you. Enjoy your job at AA, you paid your dues dealing with Envoy for so many years and I'm glad for all the 824 who have had and will have the opportunity to flow. That being said, I would appreciate it if you'd quit trying to poison the minds of PDT pilots, this is their decision and I really don't want to see any more career wreckage created by the union at Envoy.
So you think we should have been "selling" the TA to the pilots???

the pilots didnt support the TA. they made that loud and clear to the reps. the reps voted it down. the company made it clear they thought the reps didnt represent the pilots. they found a way to not support the TA, but get it to a pilot vote. the pilots made it crystal clear they didnt support it. we are all big boys and girls, capable of doing all our own due dilligence. the TA was neither shot down or sold by the MEC or by myself. it was objective fact that was presented, and i was at every base visit. i've practically begged people who point a finger at me to give me a single instance where i did not provide even-handed fact, and never seen a shred of evidence.

selling the TA is what team tony did - we are here now in large part due to the selling and fear grenades that got the bankruptcy TA passed. PDT's deal would be WAY worse had we voted ours in.

none of the union leadership would have been properly doing our jobs had we "sold" the TA, least of which me. i cant even believe you suggested that.

all that said, i am trying to poison no one's minds. i believe the experience at eagle should be instructive in many ways for the PDT pilots that are about to go through their pilot vote process. they are big boys and girls too, and should be doing their due diligence. you will not see me suggesting a vote either way to anyone here, or making any suggestion other than do your homework and make as good a rational decision as possible while avoiding emotion.

that's all.

PDT is not eagle, and their TA is not ours. as a matter of fact, we dont know what their TA is. when it comes out, i'll read it, but i wont comment here on it unless asked to do so and then only sparingly. there are lines i shouldnt cross, and there are lines i cannot cross. i wont be crossing either.
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