Thread: UAL Pool-ies

TED74 , 09-28-2014 05:14 AM
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Thanks for sharing this info. I'm sure some folks will get hired (who otherwise would not) because of your helpful writeup. People talk a lot about not being arrogant in your interview. Funny thing is, the ultimate arrogance is in a board's part, who decides in 60 mins with you that their negative gut feelings override actual data conveying the opposite. It's done with the intent of finding people "they could spend a four-day with", but an airline interview is a terrible place to try and determine that. Employment and education records, combined with rec letters from people you've flown with for years actually do that rather nicely. Some day, the airlines MAY figure this out (I suspect they won't). But in the mean time, they're stuck hiring people who interview well...which has almost no bearing on how they'll perform on the job as an airline First Officer or Captain. You may find it interesting to read "Thinking, Fast and Slow", which does a nice job of breaking down how the panelists mind were working while making a likely mistake with your rejection. Good luck - you'll fund a better gig in the long run, I'm sure.