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Old 10-12-2014, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by buzzpat View Post
That's not the history at all. First, there was Judea long before there were "Palestinians." There actually has never been a "Palestine." The Jews were forced out of what is now known as Israel by Arabs and Muslims during multiple "wars" after Mohammed rose to prominence in the 7th century.

The roots of the nation of Israel were born in the Palestinian Mandate of 1947. The Jews (and I'm not one) began slowly buying up swampland and lands that the Ottoman Empire didn't want in the late 1800s. The Palestinian Mandate was a UN-directed cut out of land following WWII offering Jews their traditional homeland. The Arabs that were "displaced" were offered the right to remain in Israel or migrate to the newly created nations such as Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. Those newly created nations chose to reject their fellow Muslims.

Absolutely nothing to do with guns. Nothing.
Well okay, you at least admit that the land was taken from people that already lived there, who took it from other people that lived there before, who took from people that lived there before, who took it from people that lived there before, and so on for about 20 more iterations back through history. In just the same manner that some of my American predecessors took the land for my house from the Shawnee Indians, who probably took it from some other tribe. It will stay my land until I sell it or until someone with more guns comes and takes it from me. If the latter happens, it is doubtful I will ever just throw my hands up and walk away for good. Thus, the nature of the Israeli-Palestinian problem. So when someone asks me whether that land is Israel or occupied Palestine my answer is that it depends upon whose ox is being gored. The Israelis have no more inherent right to that land than any of the myriad of prior owners who had that taken from them by force throughout history.

If it has nothing to do with guns, then why do we give billions in military aid to Israel every year?

Seriously, if the UN voted that you had to pack up your crap and give your house to someone else, would you just shrug your shoulders and walk away, or would you fight for what you believe is yours? I would fight until I got a fair deal.
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