Thread: Skywest

01WJ , 10-15-2014 12:47 PM
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Quote: Blocking my posts would be a fine start, Oh, wizard of the interwebs. The only thing you are probably doing is applying "product", shellac or whatever that crap is that you put in your hair so you look like you just woke up. Newsflash the F/A population, especially the younger ones, have quite a few, who's primary goal is to snag a husband or baby daddy. One of the things that being here for awhile is it allows one to watch behaviors. I have watched numerous F/As troll for F/Os, because many of the Capts that aren't hooked up with F/As are wise to the scam. One of the guys I flew with decided that the regular F/A he was flying with and hung out with was pretty cool and started banging her on a regular basis, problem occurred when he knocked her up and his wife was served his paternity paper work. He came home to his stuff out on the driveway and ended up with 800.00 monthly child support and what amounts to adjustable alimony. The judge wanted to make sure his wife got her share of his upgrade money...
Do the math, stick it in a F/A at your own peril, having a child with someone ties you to them for the rest of your life, so when you look down at that hot High School Grad F/A, who has her hand around your unwrapped schlong, and is guiding it towards her baby maker, ask yourself, when you were in high school, she was one of the ones/types who laughed at you in the cafeteria, what has changed.
Nothing, except your future earning potential and her future at Red Robin.
I don't normally post on here, but this is pretty funny. Sad thing is, it's kind of true. I try to explain this to FOs I fly with when they tell me about the FAs they've hooked up with. Doesn't seem to deter them though, so I figure, they'll just have to figure it out for themselves.