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Old 10-17-2014, 01:32 PM
Sum Ting Wong
Joined APC: Sep 2013
Posts: 248

Law clerk, lobbyist, and Chief of Staff to a blithering idiot. Those certainly don't sound like Ebola Czar credentials to me. This is an affront to common sense.

In the USA where there is more bio-tech/medical talent than the rest of the world combined, Obama picks an attorney who was Biden's Chief of Staff. We have a potential deadly pandemic that has already been introduced into this country by his stubborn refusal to quarantine people from countries where it is raging, and now Oblama has appointed a "czar" for Ebola who doesn’t know squat about medicine or epidemiology. He's a political hack and hatchet man whose previous involvements include the Gore recount in Florida, the Waco massacre, the Solyndra debacle, the attempted lynching of Clarence Thomas, and best of all, being Chief of Staff to that well-known public intellectual and savant, Joe Biden. Gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling that they have this situation under control, doesn't it?
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