Thread: Endeavor SSP and ETD questions

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Farmlover , 11-03-2014 04:43 AM
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Quote: It's comical that our legal/political system has led to a corporate governance infrastructure where two pilot groups--owned by the same company and doing exactly the same job under the same brand name--can make such vastly different wages. Even more insane that so many people put up with it under the illusion they'll win the lottery and be one of the lucky few who will end up at mainline one day!
The issue I have with it is the delta pilots love it. They voted all this regional scope in years ago. Now they turn their noses at us and blame us. They come on here telling us how big the bonus is that they got when my pay cut was that exact amount. Hey delta boys n girls my check for two weeks of flying is $800. Enjoy your bonus.