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Old 11-22-2014, 10:49 AM
Joined APC: Nov 2014
Posts: 221

Originally Posted by OnCenterline View Post
Kat keeps trying to defend the TSA contract. It is not very good. The work rules are okay, and are essentially 117 now anyway. The reserve system is awful--unlimited airport reserve at 10 hours a sit with no virtual or pay credit; and the aforementioned long/short call issues, combined with giving the company the ability to totally hose you on the first and last day of reserve so that you have to commute on days off.

The sick accrual rate is really low, something like 2.5 hours or so a month. That's criminal, along with not being able to use it the first year, though Stamper is trying to address that.

The 401(k) is a joke. The funds aren't great and the matching is abysmal.

However, TS does operate on the lean, and that's why they got the planes. Overhead growth will be controlled, and much of the growth will be directly tied to the arrival of the planes, i.e., pilots, FA's, dispatchers, schedulers, etc. will only be added as the fleet grows, and those costs will be covered by the FFD.

It should indeed be noted and praised that no pay-cuts and/or concessions were taken to get this flying. For those that want to harp on PSA, they didn't take the concessions until AFTER Envoy turned them down.

Envoy pilots knew the risk they were taking, and the company could not make a threat to shut it down and then not follow through on it. I'm sure they did not expect to have to do so, but they were prepared. AMR is also counting on Envoy pilots recycling through to the TSA's and PSA's of the world, which will further reduce costs.

Shut. Up. Do you not have anything better to do on a Saturday morning than waste 15 minutes typing this garbage? People are specifically requesting to table this contract measuring contest that has plagued this thread for the past month.

Are you bitter towards TSA because maybe they screwed you over in the past? If so, get over it. I haven't loved every place I've flown for either but you don't see me, and countless others, on other threads bashing those places and puffing our chests out. Move on.


How about we move on to some juicy rumors about when this new Delta flying announcement is coming? Maybe the one in the STC the other day that we're only hiring hooters waitresses for this new flying?
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