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Old 11-29-2014, 03:34 AM
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Mar 2008
Posts: 2,919

I feel most of the Union talk (DALPA v. DPA) stuff has gotten much uglier than the political stuff that has ever come up on this thread. It's nice to see differening opinions from people who respect each other as individuals. We could use a lot more of that in Washington, however logic, reason, and patience never sold a candidate as well as emotion and radicalism.

All that being said, I don't think Delta management is irresponsible enough to go out out there in support of a political agenda purely on a basis of intersperonal, corporate belief. Point being, I think we came out publicly for three main reasons....
1.) South America is the second fastest growing market
2.) The US has a large, and growing, Latino population
3.) The immigration reform could be a move against human trafficking, an issue we have worked against as an organization

Just my opinion.
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