Thread: GoJet updates
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Old 12-09-2014, 10:18 AM
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Joined APC: Dec 2014
Posts: 15

Originally Posted by 8hourrule View Post
Quick update for those of you planning on leaving. Gojet did not pay me my vacation pay when I quit. I gave two weeks notice and did not call in sick. Just letting you guys know. I was really planning on having that money. Don't want someone to end up in trouble like I was. Feel free to PM me and I will tell you the way they attempted to justify it. Doing the same thing to my friend right now.
Poor 8HourRule, he should be thankful he even got a paycheck after the airline was nice enough to let him work there and build the experience so he could move on to bigger and better things! What makes these guys think they are so deserving? The planes are shinny, have electronic displays, jet engines, carry people, and the hours he sits there can go into a logbook. If he wants a paying job he should go deep fry pieces of chicken. After a while he can build his time and eventually deep fry Turkeys! Republic has a $20,000 training contract that this airline doesn't have, and 8HourRule is complaining about loosing $2000 in vacation pay! He should be bragging to everyone that he came out $18,000 ahead! This airline could have treated you halfway decently and you might have become happy and content and lost all your aspirations to go to a major. That would have ruined your life and you would not even have known it! You need to have a seat on your fat asp, pull out a pen and a piece of paper and write this airline a letter thanking them for the opportunities they gave you and how they allowed you to keep your desire to eventually get a job that pays money and where they treat you with respect. Send me your address and I will even send you the pen and paper with a stamped envelope to get you started. Maybe one of the other guys will come over and wipe your asp after the next time you give a crap, you sick ungrateful pilot want-to-be!

Did you explain that when you turned your Jeppesens in they found one of the 3000 pages was missing and another one had a coffee stain on it! Did you, did you tell them that! A missing page and a coffee stain and you expect your vacation pay. Call your mom because she is the only one who wants to hear this ship. Imagine if they had given those Jeps to another pilot, I can see the headline now, "Plane from respected airline crashes into manure truck during approach into Saint Louis, coffee stained approach plate found on scene! Former pilot who is sought for questioning is on the run after leaving his vacation hotel with unpaid charges."

There are 2 types of people at that airline, the ones who are "planning on leaving", and the ones the airline is about to fire. Those in the second category are thinking that - "they won't fire me because they are desperate for pilots and can't get anyone to come here!" It seems like every few days someone gets a big suprise! After all, its the Christmas season. To quote a former chief pilot there as described by his roomate's girlfriend, "I didn't plan on firing anyone today, but one guy came in and before I knew what was happening I had fired him. Bad day for him, ... he he he." Now, here comes the funny part, he fired the roomate's girlfriend a few weeks later.

I highly recommend this airline to anyone willing to take a gamble. Eventually they will either have to improve their ways or shutdown. If they improve their ways you will get all the benefit of the fast movement because of the high amount of attrition! And each and every day you go to work you will experience the thrill and excitement of the life of a soap opera actor! The gossip of hearing about who was terminated and why, about Bob quitting and them not paying his vacation, about Diedra getting breast cancer then being fired, about Dawn publicly supporting the union and being fired, and the constant intrigue created by always wondering when you will be written off of the script! It was a gamble for anyone to go to Eastern Airlines in 1988 but the potential benefits were incredible! This could be your Eastern! Have some balls and Goooo---Jettttt!
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