Thread: Trans States
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Old 12-15-2014, 11:19 AM
Joined APC: May 2014
Posts: 465

Originally Posted by FlyingKat
Pretty much.....
I said the exact same thing! I've heard things he "promised" people, and the things he was saying about ADI. It was a real head scratcher, an I couldn't figure out if he really truly believed what he was saying, or if he was just BS'ing.

As I hear more about him, and the things he said, I think he truly believes it's going to be the cat'a pajamas over there. It's just too bad he is going to be taking people down with him.

As to his flying skills, I've heard stories that would raise concern, but I'll leave that for another day.....

All I'm saying is what I've heard him say, and what I've heard about him in the airplane, I would stay away.
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