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Old 01-13-2015, 07:11 AM
On Reserve
Joined APC: Jan 2015
Posts: 19

New to the whole APForums game. Just thought i'd input my training so far at PSA. Great training, everybody is really nice in Dayton- although the wait time is somewhat strenuous due to the aforementioned bottleneck of everybody needing IOE due to changes in the company. Not that I dont enjoy the time off, but its very hard to stay on top of you r game with weeks( months ) off at a time. Passed the checkride after 8 sessions in Cincinnati in mid November, so going on 8 weeks off since ( including 2, 2 day sessions in Charlotte for differences) and waiting on a call for OE.

The positive though is hopefully no reserve time for me in Dayton ( only a short drive away) and I think I was able to bid for a round 1 line for next month? But flica is a manual of its own to conquer so I've been hearing there is a time and a place to learn the ins and outs of it.

I do have a question for a veteran though- say I wanted to pack up and move the woman and dog with me down to Charlotte this summer, at what time would you change your bid preference on the website?

Any feedback is appreciated. Fly safely!
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