Thread: Upcoming CFI Oral...

PFGiardino's Avatar
PFGiardino , 06-14-2007 08:23 PM
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  • Joined APC
    Jun 2007
  • Position
    C172, Right
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I just submitted my paperwork today and am expecting my CFI oral to be on Saturday. It's an ERAU check oral... anyone have any advice? I'm feeling pretty confident, but the checkride jitters are sure on their way.

I'd say one of my weaker areas is aerodynamics. Specifically... why in a skid does the lower wing have a higher angle of attack, thus creating the rotation when stalling and creating a spin?

And when performing a slip-to-landing, if you were to roll wings level while keeping rudder imput constant, I'd call that a skid, which is more conducive to the stall/spin. Am I out of line?

Finally, what IS the difference between a forward and side slip? The Airplane Flying Handbook has pictures of it, but they look like the same image, just one being set at a different angle on the page.
