Thread: 777-300ER order

Scrappy , 01-21-2015 05:28 PM
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Quote: Are those my only two choices? I would rather have had our proposal in it's entirety.... minus the fences. I thought it was a mistake at the time of the proposal considering it was LUAL who made brought the issue to the table. I've been scolded for not having all the facts behind the decision, and it's true - I certainly don't. We will never know what would have happened if there WERE no fences, but I'm sticking to my hunch that we would have been better off without them.

Like you, I'm at peace with it. It is what it is, and is definitely all water under the bridge. But do I wish we hadn't brought the issue of fences into the SLI discussion? Yes.
All mental knob schlobing. We continue to go round and round. This is such an old, worn out tune.