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Old 01-31-2015, 03:06 PM
Joined APC: Feb 2011
Position: 756 Left Side
Posts: 1,629

Originally Posted by NuGuy View Post

Report early, one leg. 12 hour "day over". Red eye back. 12 hour day over, late departure to west time zone, 12 hour layover. Wash, rinse, repeat. 4 day trip with 5 duty periods that would have paid 26:15 hours now pays 21.

Can you please post an actual pairing.. would like to see it and compare with the duty rigs and min pay we have a UAL.

Looking at our 756 Feb pairings, I don't see any 4 day trips with 5 duty periods. Might be something to do with "Work Rules"..
Oh, and the lowest paid trip is 20:18 (Domestic) and the highest is 33:16!

Pay Rates are great but they are only a part of the overall package. It's about how much your W-2 is for the amount of work performed.

Oh, and we (UAL) have plenty of 4 day International trips that pay 20:00 due to sitting over there for 48hrs. But again, you could get 4 of those 4 day trips for 80hrs pay but 8 actual duty periods, 68hrs flown and 14 or 15 days off.. Big Picture~
[At DAL, would those same 4 day European trips pay 21hrs?, for 84hrs in the month?]

Time will tell what management will try and push come contract time at DAL and UAL now that AMR has set a lower bar.

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