Thread: Skywest vs PSA

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ClickClickBoom , 02-11-2015 08:09 AM
MK Ultra Candidate
MK Ultra Candidate
  • Joined APC
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Every regional out there sucks ball sweat. That being said, you need to stay uncomfortable and hungry, that will force you to chase the major's application process. Live in base, short commute= comfortable, and that is a problem, every day you spend at a regional will equal (hundreds of)thousands of dollars lost at the end of your career. Get on to a Hulas owned/operated job, become a expert on SOP, upgrade get a LCA letter, and carpet bomb the majors for a job. I see on a daily basis, F/Os who have a cute F/A girlfriend, live in base and haven't updated their logbook in a couple of years, while the guy who hates his company is motivated beyond belief to "Get the "F" out". Short term pain equals long term gain. While you lay in bed, in base, with that high school educated F/A, the TSA pilot squats in the bush(KSPI) eating cold fish heads and rice and getting harder and closer to the brass ring. And when you get to the majors, remember who sentenced you to that regional hell come contract time, FUPM.