Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Sleeper , 02-11-2015 12:16 PM
New Hire
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Quote: Since the ALPA PAC guys are out in full force spreading disinformation and hurling personal attacks, I'll just reply to all of them so as not to clog the thread:

ALPA PAC is there to support the election of very far left liberal democrats. ALPA is affiliated with the AFL-CIO which is also a very far left political organization. ALPA PAC's challenge has been how to get money from airline pilots (who are predominantly conservative politically) to reshape the legislative branch into a left wing political construct. ALPA PAC has chosen the method of calling their left wing partisan agenda "Pilot Partisan." Now they've taken it a step further with the claim that they're winning the Export/Import Bank and NAI agenda with their "Pilot Partisan" efforts. The truth is that any progress made has only been because labor's interests just happen to align with the interests of airline management. If not for that, this would already be lost like age 60 and the rest.

I fully support anyone in their desire to send money to back their political ideology. Just know that ALPA PAC dollars primarily support the electing of far left liberal democrats. Check for yourself on their list of non-incumbents they send money to. It is overwhelmingly in favor of far left politicians. If that's your desire, then ALPA PAC is for you.

Carl is incorrect, and willfully so. I won't waste effort trying to change his mind.

To all who read this, do your own due diligence on the ALPA website. ALPA PAC is the fighting the good fight for all of us against the existential threat of our careers--state owned enterprises.

But hey, what would I know...I've only been giving to ALPA PAC for 15 years.