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Old 02-20-2015, 05:48 PM
Carl Spackler
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Originally Posted by scambo1 View Post
The 911 terrorist attacks changed the industry, probably forever. The terrorists did come from that region. The attacks either contributed to or were causal in bankruptcies. The US airlines are critical to "the American way of life" protected by the constitution.

I find it ironic that the Emirates CEO, an expat, is such a sellout that he calls into question the comment.

Was it politically correct? Who cares. Is it the truth? Absolutely.

Remember the ditty about people in Germany who did nothing..."And then they came for me."

Real life is real.
All correct, but the veiled reference to terrorism was an unforced error and a mistake politically. Delta was right to quickly apologize because the comment allows the ME3 to scream the "terrorism" comment as the headline while hoping it deflects attention from their reliance on state subsidies.

Truth doesn't matter when you hand your opponents this kind of bludgeon to use against you. The apology is smart and correct.

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