Thread: Just a "Wholly owned" thought...(ENY,PSA,PDT)

CloudShredder , 02-22-2015 01:15 PM
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Pretty much expect whipsawing to continue as long as they continue to find pilots to fly at the cheap regionals with promises of low upgrade times. It is a never ending cycle at this point. I am amazed each day that goes by that attrition continues to go through the roof at carriers, and the bandaids continue to be wound up thicker and thicker as the whipsaw continues to cut into more and more pilot's lives.

Some bandaids we're seeing:

- Offering ATP courses.
- Offering bonuses ranging from $5,000-$80,000 with a LOT of strings attached.
- Offering a "Pipeline" to a "Guaranteed Job" flying a "Large Advanced Jet" with a "Guaranteed job at a mainline."
- "Quick upgrades" (which are just a snapshot in time, better hope you get in and get your upgrade before the music stops...)
- "Desirable bases"
- "Best regional airline pay"
- "Best benefits"
- "Best company atmosphere."

Sadly, what needs to be done, and what isn't being done, and won't be done anytime soon is a large across the scale pay bump at the regionals... That's all the discussion is, and we're just going to continue to beat up that poor old dead horse until things legitimately change...