Thread: Republic domicle/aircraft

rickair7777's Avatar
rickair7777 , 06-22-2007 07:19 AM
Prime Minister/Moderator
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Quote: More solid wording. Not as much, "The company shall try to do blah blah blah". More the "The company WILL do blah blah blah".
Yeah that kind of weasle language was the downfall of the mesa pilot group...

- You need AIRTIGHT language, written by LAWYERS, not some lifer regional CA with a GED. If the company agrees to something at the table and then argues over the wording of the language: BIG RED FLAG This means they don't really intend to follow through on what they agreed to, and want some grey area in the contract to get them off the hook. Also "Force Majeure" needs to be DEFINED in the contract, ie limited to earthquke, hurricane, flood, nuclear war etc. I wouldn't allow any other Force Majeure items, otherwise poor planning on management's part will constitute Force Majeure on your part

- You also need BRUTAL compensation for grievances, and wording that grievences not resolved in 90 days automatically default in favor of the pilot. Otherwise the company can (and will) drag out grievences for years (in the hopes that you quit). Also the usual compensation for a violation is one hour of flight pay...if the company wants to JRA you on your day off or work you outside contract limits do you think that one hour of FO pay is going to make them reconsider? Ten hours might be more of a deterrent.