Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Check Essential , 05-10-2015 07:10 AM
Works Every Weekend
Check Essential
Works Every Weekend
  • Joined APC
    Dec 2007
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Quote: Keep in mind that banking hours to cash in at a higher rate later does not work out like most think. You are banking hours not pay. If you work one hour now and bank it the rate is the same as if you work that hour next year. Either way you work one hour. Banking hours is best used if you want to build a big block of time off at a later date.
That is completely 100% dead wrong.

When you withdraw an hour it is at your current rate, not your rate when it was deposited.

If you make a bank deposit of one hour while you are on probation you can withdraw that same hour the next year at 2nd year pay.

The best time to bank hours is if you are expecting an upgrade from FO to Captain. You can bank those hours at the FO payrate and withdraw them at Captain payrate.
If you play it correctly, up to 60 hours of your time as an FO you could be making Captain pay.