Thread: Compass updates
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Old 05-22-2015, 11:25 AM
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Joined APC: Oct 2005
Posts: 52

Originally Posted by RTRD View Post
I'm curious if it has anything to do with the union's scheduling committee being cut out of seeing the pre-awards last month. Many times they would catch things and have the bids rerun. According to the contract we have the right to have our union officers involved in the schedule creation and bidding process. I don't believe this is being honored by the company right now. I think they're counting the summer being over by the time the union can rectify the situation.
The PBS committee still get the pre-awards. They just aren't allowed to share them with the rest anymore, until they come out officially. It's easy to find major errors, it's the suttle ones that are difficult to find. We have all the input into schedule creation that the contract allows us.

The pairing analysis committee are the ones that have input to pairing creation, not the PBS committee. So, if you're upset about the crappy 19hr 4-day that you them.

Honestly, most of the time what people perceive as errors is just an over valuation of their seniority vs. the flying that is getting covered.
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