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Old 05-27-2015, 05:56 AM
Joined APC: Jun 2008
Position: A320 Cap
Posts: 2,282

Originally Posted by baseball View Post
Perfect. disagree away. I love disagreements. They lead to enlightenment. Keep drinking that ALPA Kool Aid and that United fruit punch.

I can check it all day long. However, anyone hired post 1996 was never furloughed, except for the 147 hostages management took in order to get us to sell off our scope clause, which backfired for management. That was the summer of record flying, as you may recall the videos on you tube "not enough co-pilots."
This sums it up for me. First you say "no one on the LCAL list post 1996 ever spent a day on furlough." It's pointed out to you that you're wrong. Then it's no one post 1996 ever spent a day on furlough..... except....

As to the Koolaid comment, I've come to realize that your ego is incapable of admitting when you're wrong, even when it's pointed out to you by multiple people. I'm sure the 1998 furloughees from CAL appreciate you trivializing their time spent without a paycheck. It's UNBELIEVABLE to me that you are bragging about your record level of SRM while you had pilots on the street. But that's obviously who you are. This was fun for a few days but I'm bored of it/you now.

Back to the original topic before I sign off. I hope the bumps never happen, but if they do, best of luck to the IAH pilots effected and I hope for a soft landing. Sincerely. More immediately I hope all IAH employees stay safe in the wake of the devastating floods being endured.
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