Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

Brocc15 , 05-31-2015 09:09 AM
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Quote: While you were watching a movie with dudes, I was watching a movie with hot girls.

Think about that.

Not only that. Funny hot girls. And if it wasn't these two hot girls... was Fat Amy. And she will make you roll on the floor laughing.

And if not her, you had the aforementioned Greenbay Packers.

And then these two judges. Oh the demeaning women jokes he told. They're so freaking wrong and hilarious.

And after all of that, there was this music album they were working on that had me crying.

I'd buy it.

That producer of that album, Key from the Key and Peele show, I think he's about to be the next big movie comedian. Usually some comedian group gets 5-10 years at the top and I think his time is starting and his act's timing is perfect and he's perfect for it.

I'm telling you. Go see it.

Agreed, I brought a 12 year old to the movie, for HER and ended up laughing the whole way through. Wasn't expecting to like it so much.