Thread: Compass updates

Flightsoffusion , 06-02-2015 08:58 PM
Pathological Flyer
Pathological Flyer
  • Joined APC
    Jul 2007
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Quote: No. They might be planning on attending a future one though, so it may behoove you to call the recruiters directly and ask.

Compass doesn't do any direct hiring at job fairs. At least not yet. We still require you to take 3 computer based tests, a HR interview, and a pee test in MSP.
Behoove, funny word. Actually I have tried calling HR several times only to be greeted by voicemail so I thought I would tap into the vast professional knowledge on APC with the hopes to expedite an answer. It's clear that my expectations were over estimated. Although, "no" is an answer. So, thanks.