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Old 06-10-2015, 10:08 PM
Joined APC: Mar 2014
Posts: 787

Originally Posted by Waitingformins View Post
I am saying the 6 year number must come from 2 reasons.
1 the industry can support that type of movement.
2 its in your contract

The first reason applies to all regionals. The second is a fairytale. The eagle contract has changed 3 times in 5 years or less, plus if envoy grows that would increase the flow time for a new hire. Do you think number 3500 would flow as fast as a new hire as number 2100?

Bottom line, any new hire today at any regional has the same chance to be at mainline in 6 years. So Envoy doesn't have anything special.
I'm tired from a full day of flying and my patience level is at ZERO right now. So I'm not even going to beat around the bush: You are an idiot. Normally I would try to be more diplomatic...but you are drool cup, short bus stupid.

Try your best to keep up:

The 6 year flow for Envoy has NOTHING to do with "industry movement" as you call it. It has to do with the following:

#1: AA's retirement numbers year by year


#2: Envoy's flow agreement which gives us 50% of new hire classes.

No other Regional has an agreement with mainline like that and no other Regional can guarantee any kind of upward movement. No other Regional other than Envoy. If you were not so slow I would tell you to take a calculator and punch the numbers in yourself. But even that is probably too difficult for you.

So a new hire at any Regional has the same chance to get to mainline as an Envoy new hire? Please, by all means explain to the class how that would work. Explain to all of us how a new hire at Mesa, Republic, SkyWest, or anywhere else can move up to mainline in 6 years. Provide concrete numbers, evidence, and contractual guarantees where applicable.

You can't because they don't exist. AA hires very few off the street these days and they are almost 100% military and/or family. Everyone else comes from the flow via the wholly owned. That means for all of you Regional pilots flying for independent contractors your options are Delta and United. Now imagine EVERY SINGLE REGIONAL PILOT in existence applying to 2 airlines.....don't forget EVERY SINGLE LCC pilot as well....oh, did I mention that they also have Airbus type ratings? Still think any new hire at any Regional can move up in 6 years with no flow?

You are a fool and deserve to rot in perpetual limbo at the worst, lowest bottom feeding Regional in existence. By all means, enjoy your career as an RJ Captain while the rest of us move up to AA. Thanks for playing.
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