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Old 06-13-2015, 01:25 PM
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Joined APC: Feb 2011
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Default Seems new

Originally Posted by Grumpyaviator View Post
This really isn't all that new, just the criteria has changed. In the past they were digging to find 2500 hour pilots, then 1500 and 1000 hour pilots, etc down to 300 hour pilots. There were always companies hanging out at other Airline's training centers offering incentives to make a lateral move. The industry had plenty of opportunities to address the situation wisely and now it's caught up with them.

This also isn't the first time airlines have been canceling flights due to staffing. Around 2006-8 we were doing the same. Again, the industry saw this situation coming for a long time.

EFBs aren't a last second rush to keep pilots. It a project that's been in the works for years, partly due to some negotiating, mostly due to milking it out so people involved can keep earning adm pay and, not to mention the dragged-out FAA approval.

But the fact is, efbs and a potential bone from Delta won't keep pilots here, even a dream contract won't retain enough pilots to fill the future staffing needs. Most of us want to move up and on and nothing will change that.

So it's not new but the criteria has changed... Ok sure, and to my biggest point, when the companies attacked the issues with the "business as usual" approach... It didn't work, endeavor was gonna fold, bonuses, tsa/rep/shuttle was foundering, consolidation and CQFO, and Piedmont was going small with old airplanes, jets...

PSA became the scourge of the industry because they accepted hopefully the last substandard contract we'll see for a long time in fear because they didn't look at history...

This is new and throwing the same solutions at the problems isn't working so we are in a new land and I think it only gets better for a pilot group IF we play our hand right...
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