Thread: The TA sick language doesn't solve SL abuse.

gloopy , 07-03-2015 08:45 AM
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Quote: Make them prove we are abusing. I'm innocent until proven guilty.
Wrong. You are probably going to be assumed to be not guilty for the first 14 days in a rolling 365. Depending on the timing of your illnesses, you could be sick way less than 14 days in a calendar year and still have to verify.

But in any case, once you hit day 15 in a rolling 365, you are assumed guilty until you can prove your innocence to a potentially hostile company partisan third party. Period. End of sentence.

If its for a cut and dry no brainer illness with easily verifiable symptoms, assuming you can get them verified while they are still verifiable (might have to go to the ER or summon a house call, whatever the cost, at YOUR expense) you're probably still OK.

But if it was a grey area illness where you don't have hard, scientific symtoms that can be measured and directly observed, best case you won't get paid and worst case you might lose your career.

For an 8% raise.