Thread: Southwest hiring info

Spark , 07-10-2015 11:05 AM
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Quote: For those of you who may be new to the airline business, and who have the flexibility to do so: do NOT defer a class. Take the earliest class you can possibly get and then call every week to see if any openings have come available in earlier classes.

Seniority is everything. Everything.

In my career one earlier class would have meant the difference between a furlough or remaining on property. It could mean the difference between reserve or a line. Weekends off or not. An upgrade or an extended time in the right seat. You want the best odds you can get to be where you want to be when the music stops and if you think it can't happen to you, you're dead wrong.

Take the first class you are offered. Always.

Totally agree.

As one who very recently got the call, I'm just trying to speculate when class might be.